AJR Sport is a Dutch-based company which specializes in the design and manufacturing of technologically advanced products for top riders and horses worldwide.
Founder and President, Adam Rittenberg, has spent his entire life surrounded by horses. From a very early age, he became intrigued with horse shows where he began to compete in both the equitation and jumper arenas. His growing passion for horses has led him to some renowned facilities and some of the industry’s best including Ian, Amy and Jonathan Millar, Paul Shockhemole, and Valerio Sozzi.
As competitive Grand Prix rider and professional horseman, Adam sought a way to combine his career with his love of horses. The primary goal was to find a way to bring unique bits to the sport with the highest level of comfort for the horses. Within a few months, AJR Sports’ first product was born, the Milano Plank Eggbutt snaffle. The success of the product encouraged Adam to further develop an equine line of products including medical applications such as the AJR Sport cohesive bandage and Vetlintech-X.
The AJR Sport product line continues to grow since it’s start in 2020. With the mission to raise the standard for quality and innovation, AJR Sport prides itself on producing a solid foundation of material intuition and product design.